Edison 2020

V únoru 2020 jsme již poněkolikáté hostili mezinárodní projekt Edison organizovaný studentskou organizací AIESEC. Stážisté ze Srbska, Ghany, Ruska, Indonésie, Brazílie, Itálie, Číny a Jižní Koreje prezentovali své země, konverzovali se studenty a vyměňovali si své zkušenosti. Do celé akce se letos zapojila i Studentská rada GNŠ a její členové společně se stážisty podnikli několik akcí, které podle fotografií byly víc než úspěšné.

To je asi hlavní význam celého projektu – sdílení zážitků a zkušeností. Velmi děkuji studentkám sexty Veronice Antonové a Helče Thai Bao Hien a Petru Haisovi ze septimy za ochotu ubytovat a starat se o zahraniční hosty. Velmi vstřícní byli kluci ze Studentské rady Vašek Král a Theo Brož, kteří organizovali a pomáhali, jak jen to šlo.

Myslím, že se celá akce moc hezky vydařila a všichni byli spokojeni. Já jsem moc ráda, že slyším pozitivní ohlasy a že jsem si opět mohla ověřit, že se mohu stoprocentně spolehnout na své kolegy angličtináře, kteří mě v tom nenechali a jako pokaždé udělali maximum pro úspěch celé akce.

Děkuji všem a těším se na příště! Z. Kz

Students of classes 1A and 1B have written a short feedback on the Edison Project. Enjoy reading three of them. D. B.

Edison Week Project by Nikola Jansová, 1B

A while ago, I firstly experienced the magic of the Edison week in our school and was stunned! It’s the week where you “touch” other cultures in English class. What a refreshing experience. As for me, the foreign languages are really interesting and to get to know such different cultures in just one week was truly remarkable.

Never thought I’d get to contact with money from Ghana, learn Serbian tongue twisters or know that this one Indonesian animal poops out expensive coffee beans. Thank you for all our answered questions that you had to go through, Edisons. I appreciate your visit and hope you did as well in our little nation.

Edison Project by Kristián Pánek, 1B

The Edison project is made for students from all over the world. These students choose a certain country, where they go in schools and present the culture of their country.

I enjoyed the most the first person. She was from Serbia and she was talking about her Slav culture and how Czech and Serbian people are related. Other thing she was talking about was the food culture and Serbian specialities, followed by all their festivals and celebrations. She also talked about the cities and how much different they are from Prague, mainly she spoke about the capital city Belgrade. She also mentioned that by statistics every second generation in Serbia goes to war.

I liked this presentation the most, because she was a lot more open and chilled than the other people, that’s the reason I think she made the presentation the most enjoyable and interesting.

Project Edison by Ondřej Pelda, 1A

There was an international school project called Project Edison at my school last week. It is about students of primary and secondary schools getting to know other cultures around the world from university students that get the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, I missed school from Wednesday until Friday, so I could see only two presentations.

My favourite presentation was from an Indonesian student. He appeared to be very friendly and likeable. First of all, he told us the very basics about Indonesia (population, geographical information, etc.). After that, he started speaking about

typical food and clothing in his country. He was talkative and answered all of our questions. He even spoke about his experience of eating unusual food. Overall, I think that this is a great project and cannot wait for another experience like this.


Melanie Gray

One of our visitors was Jiwon Kim, a 19 year old student from South Korea. Last year she travelled across many countries and she showed us a few photos from her travels. She is currently studying material engineering at the Seoul National University and she wants to make a discovery in the science industry. She was very kind and we found out a lot of interesting facts about her home country. One of the activities was her writing our names in Korean for us and we found that very fun, especially when she drew little portraits of us next to the names.

Her presentation was suitably long, it wrapped up all the main facts and she knew how to answer our questions. We hope she enjoyed her stay in Czech Republic as much as we enjoyed her lecture.

Alex Forejt

Marcos is from Brazil and he is 24 years old. He studies at the University of Sao Paulo and works as an intern at a public school, where he teaches science. Because of this experience, he's very good at presenting himself and his country. His presentation was nicely made, and it had a lot of interesting facts, and he broke down some stereotypes about Brazil. After telling us some basic and sometimes fun facts he played a Kahoot game with us, which was a lot of fun. Then he showed us 3 videos. The first one was about the biggest city in Brazil: São Paulo. The second one contained famous Brazilian dance: samba, and the most known festival called Carnival. The last video showed us the beauties of Rio De Janeiro. The videos were really nice. Marcos also told us about his private life and difficulties about living in Brazil. His presentation was a lot of fun and it was very interesting. We all enjoyed it very much…

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